Yummy! Yeah, not so much. Thanks Matt for turning me onto this Fastfood Fix in a Can.
23. How many one-night stands?
I stood for a night.
24. What was your favorite TV program?
I can't pick just one.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
As I had mentioned in my blog yesterday, Mondays are my weigh in for my Weight Watchers meeting. We hadn't met for two weeks on account of the holidays, so needless to say, I was a bit worried. I had given myself wiggle room of 3 pounds (or maybe lack of wiggle room?). Meaning that if I put on 3 pounds, I would not not commit hara-kiri. Well I enjoyed the holidays, eating what I wanted without getting ridiculous and the results are....drum roll please....I gained 2 pounds.
That's a pound a week. That's a half a pound for each weekend. That's 1.142857142857142857 ounces for each dinner consumed.
Not that I'm counting.Yep, that's right...December '07 marked the 1st birthday of Pheasantly Fascinating. So, in a celebatory fashion, as I reflect back over this year of blogging, I ask myself, what have I learned? Here is a top 10 list of lessons learned by PoultryBoy during year one of this blog.
10. Don't meme. Okay, fine, you can meme; but don't tag.
9. A meme is a way to generate visitors to one's blog.
8. Blogging takes more effort than one would initially think.
7. Blogging is more rewarding that one would initially think.
6. It's fun sharing my blog with friends and family that are non-bloggers.
5. The blogging community brings people together that otherwise might not connect due to beliefs or interests. Those passions seems to take a back seat to blogging. Or, while they exist, they don't get in the way of making connections.
4. Blogging doesn't necesarily make one less verbose - see # 5.
3. I know how to embed links!
2. Friday Shuffle is a great way to share musical selections with others - and to be the recipient of said sharing.
1. I am not the sum of my blog.