This site is dedicated to my fondness for fowl. Not in any way that requires years of therapy. It's not even my favorite meat. I just think it's neat. What can I say? I am easily amused.
Plus, it may have something to do with the fact that my first and middle names said together are a homonym of poultry (Paul Troy).

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Next Best Thing Since...

...dehydrated reconstitutued unsliced bread. I think one would have to be really jonesing for an all beef patty in a sesame seed bun to pop open and down this little gem.

Yummy! Yeah, not so much. Thanks Matt for turning me onto this Fastfood Fix in a Can.


Hilda said...

This sounds vile.

Unknown said...

I'm with Hilda! Disgusting. But then I do believe they keep bugers in warm "juice" at some fast food places. So it might not be such a stretch...


I'll take my Valentine's day dinner at Burger King anyday.

Thanks for visiting my blog. That metallic capsule, per your suggestion, would have to be for women who have romantic relations with those of the Equus asinus species. Shiver repeated.

Thanks for the laugh.

Unknown said...

That's burgers, bot bugurs. Shiver thrice.

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