This site is dedicated to my fondness for fowl. Not in any way that requires years of therapy. It's not even my favorite meat. I just think it's neat. What can I say? I am easily amused.
Plus, it may have something to do with the fact that my first and middle names said together are a homonym of poultry (Paul Troy).

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Weekend Recap

Okay, so it's only 7:47 am Sunday morning, therefore technically the weekend isn't over yet, but it seemed as good as any title for a posting. I went to work yesterday and the project was not going smoothly. So "not going smoothly", in fact that at 3:00 pm, semior management was on a conference call with us and decided to roll back our implementation. What does this mean. Well, it means that there was a whole bunch of finger pointing as to which area caused the multiple failures, and yes, some fingers were pointed in my direction. It also means that thousands of man hours are for not as we will now have to analyze the failures and remap a solution. The silver lining? I don't have to go into work today.

What else is going on?
Well, something most of you don't know about me is that I am a member of Weight Watchers. I had been in WW before (prior to our first son's birth) and I lost 45 pounds in 6 months. Note: The photo on my blog is from then, which was when I was at my lowest weight in a decade. I then forgot everything I had learned from the "program", that's what us WWs call it, and I had gained everything back in 3 years plus another 10 pounds.

I rejoined October 26 and, as of the Monday before Christmas, I lost 26 pounds. I have since put on 4 pounds and have not been on program, but will start anew tomorrow morning - my meetings are on Mondays. I will let you all know how I am doing.


TracyMichele said...

26 LBS!? GOOD FOR YOU!! Now that you have made it public, I will be back to check in and see how it is going! :)

sari said...

congrats! keep up the good work.

and I hope you get the work thing figured out, that sucks after all that work but at least you guys know and can fix what's going on instead of having rolled it out and have it be all wrong.