This is a picture taken by a friend of mine while he was on vaycay.

He's gonna hit me now because that's way too cutsey-wootsey of a word for him. This is a test to see if he really reads my blog or not. And, yes, I have his permission to post it.
So what does the picture say to you? I'm not asking what's in the photo, but rather, what sort of feelings does it evoke (or is it invoke)?
Second Question - Do you like the photo? Do you not like it? Why? (Okay, so technically that was 3 questions, but they're all related)
PS Thanks Erick for the permission to post your photography...more to come - maybe.
Yes, I like it. Weird as it may seem.. I have always enjoyed photos of headstones, cemetaries and the like. Maybe because we grew up across the street from a cemetary and it was where we rode bikes, went to the duck pond, etc. I just feel comfortable in cemetaries (ok, that could be scary) and I feel peace there.
actually, i know where that cemetery is. i lived not too far from there and would see almost the same view everyday as i traveled. so for me it stirs up a sort of nostalgia.
That photo says something different to me because it was taken on a vacation. It basically means that either they are looking up their genetic pool or maybe have gone to a childhood home where maybe there are grandparent's graves?
No, I don't like it much. Not because it is not well done, but because cemeteries make me think of chemicals in the nearby water systems...but that is just my twisted brain on prednisone....
When I look at the picture, I see tranquility within chaos. For me, cemetaries are tranquil, peaceful and a sense of security. I spend a lot of time in them, particularly in the summer as I visit my father there and then get curious and walk around to see who else was loved and remembered.
On another note, thanks for the comment on my site - and I have answered your question there too - yes - I am the one that wants to retire and RV across North America. :)
"So what does the picture say to you?"
To me it represents past and future - the cemetary in the forefront representing the past, the city in the background representing the future.
"Do you like the photo? Do you not like it?"
I love it!
I love cemetaries and this one in particular is lovely. And again the juxtopisition of the cemetary and the city is great.
I also love this photo ~ the serenity of the cemetery in the foreground in contrast to the presumed hustle-bustle of the city in the background.
And I also like photos of headstones. Guess I agree with the others. ;-)
Tracy - Nicely said.
Marty - How lucky that you had views like everyday.
Maria - I don't think either applies to my friend. He just likes wandering off and if he finds an opportunity for a photo, he takes it. PS 'chemicals in the drinking water'?!?!
Allie - Thanks for leaving a comment fellow future RV-er.
Hilda - It doesn't suprise me that you and I thought the same exact thing about the photo.
Patti - I agree completely.
Oh Erick? Where are you?!?!
I like the photo a lot. The city in the background, 'Progress' and the cemetery in the foreground, 'The End'. It's where we all end up no matter how much progress is made, no? That's what it says to me and why I like it because I love that the photo can make such a statement.
I love that picture! It's very calming even though there's so much going on.
Ok ok. Thanks for liking the picture. It was part of a long walk from Manhattan through Brooklyn. I love New York in spring.
By the way, take a look at the latest pictures.
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