Last night Mrs. Phez and I were watching Don't Forget the Lyrics with the yummy-delicious (in her words) Wayne Brady.

We like watching the show and we like watching even better with the assistance of our Tivo. They have about 10 minutes of worthwhile content that they stretch out to a 30 minute program.
Here is an example:
Contestant: (singing the missing lyrics to a song we all know the lyrics to - yes, Hilda, even me)
Wayne Brady: Would you like to lock in those lyrics?*
Contestant: Yes Wayne, lock in those lyrics!
Wayne Brady: Okay, let's find out if those are the lyrics...right after this break
[[[Commercial Break]]]
Wayne Brady: (to the camera) Welcome back everybody to Fox's "Don't Forget the Lyrics" and we're here with [name] who has
Wayne Brady: (to the contestant) Are you ready [name] to see if those are the correct 11 missing words?
Constestant: Uh-huh.
Wayne Brady: Okay, show us the last two words
our sexy her sexy Wayne Brady do his thing for 10 minutes.
In celebration of Tivo, take 'er away Fred!
- "What It Takes", by Areosmith. I think it bears repeating from earlier Friday Shuffles: I share Fred with Mrs. Phez - not all the songs in his repertoire are mine
- "Hey Tonight", by Clearwater Creedence Revival
- "Peaceful World", by John Mellencamp
- "Problem Child", by AC/DC
- "Something", by the Beatles
- "Please Do Not Go", by Violent Femmes - I went through a Femme phase in high school - I'm not ashamed
- "Rainin' In My Heart", by The Fabulous Thunderbirds
- "Shoot Out The Lights", by Richard & Linda Thompson
- "Hello", by Lionel Richie
- "Gold", by John Stewart
For clarification purposes, who downloaded "Hello" by Lionel Richie? :)
Okay, here's a few observations!
(1) Yummy-delicious is so a Troyboy word and not a Mrs. Phez word! Or at least I have never heard Mrs. Phez use that word.
(2) You had the entire Tivo in your hands? How did you manage to do that and keep track of the remote?
(3) To answer tracymichele, I think "Hello" is a both song. I think...
Oh, no, I love Hello. It's so Senior Year In High School! Remember the video?? Oh my goodness - classic. :-)
I thank the Good Lord every day for Tivo. I think if I had to choose between Tivo and a cell phone I would pick Tivo, it's worth it.
TM: Um, I own 4 or 5 Lionel Richie CDs. It's an addiction.
Matt: No fair calling me out like that on # 1. Your 2nd point makes you a smart ass; well, IT doesn't make you one, it just provesd that you ARE one - but I still love you!
Sari: Because of your gender you do not have to hide the pleasure that Lionel gives you. Say it loud, say it proud - for both of us, sister.
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