Probably more entertaining than the facts I am about to share with you is the reason that I came across them. I work in a I.T. department of about 400 people and we have quarterly
departmental meetings. While flow charts and schematic drawings might pique the interest of the few, it certainly doesn't do it for most of us - so, for a few years now, we've had a group within the dept.
responsible for a bit of entertainment to break the
monotony of the 4 hour meeting.
It wasn't supposed to be our turn this time around, but no one would do it so with two days to plan, we found out today that our VP agreed that we'd fill in. We are doing a spoof on a Presidential Debate but we are making the questions and answers relative to our work environment. You'll never guess who they talked into
portraying Hillary! I'll give you a of the times we did this before, we did a spoof on American Idol and I was
Troyjaya. Well,
Troyjaya and Hillary will look a lot like.
So, in researching for my part, here are some interesting facts (okay, maybe not all of them are facts - some are allegations) about our next President - maybe.

1. In 1969, after Hillary Diane
Rodham graduated with departmental honors in political science, she worked her way across Alaska, washing dishes in Mount McKinley National Park and
sliming salmon in a fish processing cannery in Valdez (which fired her and shut down overnight when she complained about unhealthy conditions).

2. It took Bill Clinton 4 years to make Hilary become his wife. They started dating in 1971. Hillary
Rodham and Bill Clinton were married on October 11, 1975, in a Methodist ceremony in their living room

3. Bill Clinton returned to the Governor's office in1982. Only then Hillary Diane
Rodham began to use the name Hillary Clinton, or sometimes "Mrs. Bill Clinton", in order to have greater appeal to voters.

4. From 1986 to 1992 Hillary Clinton was enjoying six-year tenure as a director of
Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest company. Fellow board members and company executives say Mrs. Clinton used her position to champion personal causes, like the need for more women in management and a comprehensive environmental program.

5. Hillary Clinton became involved in a scandal about having a lesbian affair with her personal aide
Huma Abedin.
A new book by Edward Klein, ‘The Truth About Hillary’ is said to make some claims about Hillary Clinton having lesbian relationships.
I have to go now and practice making funny faces in front of the mirror. Wish me luck!
Well...I am a Hilary fan. And knowing that she worked for Wal-Mart sort of sickens me, but I like it that she turned in a salmon company...
And I never heard of the lesbian theme....
Troy - I don't understand the need to publish the "Women of Walmart" Playboy picture in this context.
And really, we need to bring in unfounded allegations?
You might as well talk about how Obama is really a Muslim - after all somebody alleged that as well.
If you don't support Hillary that's fine - but maybe you can try to express your non-support with actual policy issues - I'm just saying.
Let's just agree to disagree about your tactics.
My tactics? Okay, let's review:
Statement # 1 - A statement of fact, not opinion. And, as Maria pointed out, she got a business that had unhealthy conditions shut down - that's not a bad thing.
Statement # 2 - Another statement of fact. Not sure how this is a negative comment towards Hilary or how it shows that I don't support Hilary. I prefer Barack, you know that, but you also know that if she wins the Democratic nomination, I will vote for her.
Statement # 3 - Okay, on this one who is to say why Hilary started using the name "Mrs. Bill Clinton".
Statement # 4 - Hilda, the woman worked as an executive for Wal-Mart. That is a fact. One of her objectives, allegedly, was to promote women into management. Ironically an employee posed for Playboy. I guess the options were better at the bunny mag than in the management program.
Statement # 5 - What's your definition of unfounded? I purposely stated that not all of the statements were proven facts, particularly this one - it was, however, an interesting bit of information, which may or may not be true.
Your reply seemed angry and it appeared as though you took it personally. I'm not sure why. You're a friend and I wouldn't want to offend you.
It is interesting to read some of the facts and "allegations" that have been found.
I agree with Maria, in that it is interesting and I think it is good that Senator Clinton worked in a Salmon company, not afraid to "get her hands dirty."
I also agree that working for Wal-Mart is kinda a drag, but the things that she used her "power" to attempt while she was there are fairly noble. I also agree with Hilda that the Playboy picture was uncalled for. The Hillary/Walmart picture was enough.
As for the lesbian allegations, this really is the first time I have heard about it. I figured it might come around or come out at some point, because it seems like every strong woman in the public eye at some point is questioned about that.
Anyways, again interesting post.
Troy responds:
"Statement # 1 - A statement of fact, not opinion. And, as Maria pointed out, she got a business that had unhealthy conditions shut down - that's not a bad thing."
No problem there
Statement # 2 - Another statement of fact. Not sure how this is a negative comment towards Hilary or how it shows that I don't support Hilary. I prefer Barack, you know that, but you also know that if she wins the Democratic nomination, I will vote for her.
No problem there - but noot sure why that merits posting.
Statement # 3 - Okay, on this one who is to say why Hilary started using the name "Mrs. Bill Clinton".
Probably because that's what folks in Arkansas expected from a wife - but while it confused me as to why you would find this post-worthy it didn't bother me.
Statement # 4 - Hilda, the woman worked as an executive for Wal-Mart. That is a fact.
No Troy - that is not a fact that is misinformation. Hillary never *worked* as anything at Wal-Mart - she was on the Board of Directors. There's a difference. And while I find Wal-Mart probably more distasteful then most, its home base is Arkansas - if you want to establish a political power base you can't ignore it. It stands to reason that if you're a person of position in Arkansas and you want to establish ties with the power-brokers you're going to deal with Wal-Mart. Frankly I think the fact that Hillary tried to "change the beast from within" rather than bitch and whine and pretend to be all indignant about Wal-Mart but still shop there because their proces are better is something to be respected.
Also Sam Walton was a personal friend of Bill and Hillary - he was sort of their Reverend Wright. You don't have to agree with him, but you still respect him.
One of her objectives, allegedly, was to promote women into management. Ironically an employee posed for Playboy. I guess the options were better at the bunny mag than in the management program.
At least she tried. I am offended at the addition of the Playboy picture. IMO, it is unnecessary, has absolutely nothing to do with Hillary and isn't funny because it isn't relevant - there's no irony when there's no connection.
Statement # 5 - What's your definition of unfounded? I purposely stated that not all of the statements were proven facts, particularly this one - it was, however, an interesting bit of information, which may or may not be true.
No it's not an interesting bit of information it's tacky and sensationalist. This doesn't deserve a response but because we're friends I'll explain why I'm offended. As Matt said, she's a strong woman playing in the big boys club - so of course the easy attack, and it is an attack, is to insinuate she's a lesbian.
Your tags for this post include "funny" - is this the *funny* part? How is it funny? It is IMO patently offensive and wholly misogynistic. You don't cite sources - where did you get this crap from? I did a quick Google search and all i found on the subject were Blogs and gossip rags.
You know I follow politics in general and in particular I've followed this race. You also know I like bothy Hillary and Obama, but Hillary's been around longer so I've followed her trajectory longer - I had *never ever ever* heard about this or even this woman's name - of course I don't follow the kind of media that would spew this drivel.
Your reply seemed angry and it appeared as though you took it personally. I'm not sure why. You're a friend and I wouldn't want to offend you.
Yes I was angry, no I didn't take it personally. I know you don't want to offend me, but in this case I was offended.
See, it's a double-whammy, first of all it's a sleazy unfounded rumor against a woman I respect. And secondly it uses homosexuality as a weapon - as something horrible to say about a person. Yeah - it's offensive all over place. At least to me.
I would never write anything of this nature about Dubyuh or Cheney and you know how I feel about them. I expect this type of crap from the Republicans, but from Democrats - no.
I was shocked when I read this on your Blog. I'll be ready next time.
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