This site is dedicated to my fondness for fowl. Not in any way that requires years of therapy. It's not even my favorite meat. I just think it's neat. What can I say? I am easily amused.
Plus, it may have something to do with the fact that my first and middle names said together are a homonym of poultry (Paul Troy).

Monday, March 24, 2008

Funny Is as Funny Does

So I'm over there at The Geek Inside and I decided to check out her......blogroll. Again. This time I go to Electronic Replicant. Funny guy. Prove it, you say? Well, simply click here, my blogging friends and take a gander, or some geese, for yourself! Note: My favorite is number 33!

So, this leads me to two questions:

1) How many of you cringed at my use of mixed tenses? Ha, you should see my messed up elevenses!

2) Which is your current all time-favorite blog entry? And no, you can't select one of your own! Post about it and let me know in my comments.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the visit, and for the shout-out.
I'd have to think for a while about which might be my favorite post by someone else, but I think I could probably pick one.

sari said...

Erik is a good read, I found him at the 2006 NaBloPoMo!