This site is dedicated to my fondness for fowl. Not in any way that requires years of therapy. It's not even my favorite meat. I just think it's neat. What can I say? I am easily amused.
Plus, it may have something to do with the fact that my first and middle names said together are a homonym of poultry (Paul Troy).

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Difference Between.... parents and veteran parents

Scenario: Baby eating at the table and their barely eaten food falls off the table onto the floor and the family dog heads over in that direction

New Parent: Well, at least we don't have to clean it up. Enjoy, Fido.

Veteran Parent: (thinking of the expense of the meal or the time it took to prepare, says to the other parent) Quick honey, before the dog gets to it. Be sure to brush it off really well.


TracyMichele said...

Oh I could think of a million of these. LOL.

Maria said...

Oh, this was good....

swn said...

once, i was babysitting for some friends who had four children. their youngest daughter fell and scraped her knee which promptly began bleeding. in a panic i called her mother, who simply asked if me whether there were gouts of blood, i replied no, she then asked if there was any danger of the little girl catching fire, puzzled, i replied no.
the phone went dead.
i got the message

TroyBoy said...

Tracy - Tell me about it. No, really...go over to your blog and post about it RIGHT NOW! :-)

Maria - Thanks.

Marty - My boss has something she calls the popsicle test for injuries sustained by her kids. She asks them if a popsicle will make them better. If they say "yes", she knows that they're not seriously hurt.

TroyBoy said...

Ya know, I just re-read this post and it came out entirely different:

I now wonder if "baby eating at the table" is any different than eating anything else while at the table.

Me write english good, huh?