It came out surprisingly easy. I had the 2 lower wisdom teeth removed a few years ago and it sucked more than a little bit. During that earlier procedure, one of them broke while the dentist was removing it. This time I was more fortunate. Sneaky Dr. Krugman began, after injecting the local anesthetic by saying "Okay, Troy. I am going to start out by just testing the tooth." Then he put what looked like a screw driver in my mouth and started pushing on the unwanted bastard of a tooth. Then he pushed a little harder - still "testing", mind you. Then he said, "Okay,'s almost out." He switched to what looked like a pair of pliers, and he pulled once, twice, and *pop* - out came the tooth!
In 19 minutes, I get to take out the gauze. I am debating whether or not to update this post with a photo. Do y'all think I should?
Image from Wikipedia
Umm, no thanks.
Please don't.
And about the Kegel Karnival, tell your wife I want her to join in the fun even if she isn't a blogger. She can tell you about it and you can write it up!
Here's the link for any other ladies who are interested:
No thank you! I had all four wisdom teeth taken out at one time! That was fun...they put me under and everything. But my wisdom teeth were victims to cavities even before they broke through the gums!
Well, all I remember was after the swelling went down, was constantly feeling weird having 4 holes in my mouth! Weird feeling!
Anyways, feel better...
WEAK STOMACH.. please, no photos! :) Should I share MY wisdom tooth extraction story? Here is the short of it.. I was 18, the pain meds wore off in the middle of the procedure and I asked my mom for a beer when we were done. *ooops*. All in all, a successful trip to the dentist, don't you think?
Hope you are feeling better soon.
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